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Migration of Oracle Database to Tessell Oracle HA Service
Migration of Oracle Database to Tessell Oracle HA Service

This document presents an overview of different phases and steps to migrate an Oracle database from on-premise environments to Tessell Oracle HA Service.

Phoebe Farber avatar
Written by Phoebe Farber
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Migration Phases

Phase 1: Prepare


  • MMC to enable on-premise database for DG configuration. The steps will be provided as an annexure to this document

  • MMC to provide a full backup of the database including spfile and control files. This can either be uploaded to azure blob storage or a "jumpbox" server on Azure.


  • Provision an Tessell Oracle HA Service ( 2 DB Nodes + 1 Observer Node) on Tessell

  • side as per the compute and storage requirements of on-premise database.

  • Disable the Observer and disable the DG Configuration between these two nodes

  • Restore the backup provided by MMC on both the nodes on Tessell side

  • Perform DG configuration to setup the two nodes as DR from the on-premise database

Phase 2: Cutover primary to Tessell

This phase can start anytime once the DG Config between on-premise and Tessell Service is at near zero lag.

  • Shutdown the applications on the MMC side.

  • Make sure the lag between on-premise and Tessell HA nodes is 0.

  • Perform a switchover to make one of the nodes on Tessell Oracle HA Service as primary.

  • Provide the Tessell service connection string to applications and reconfigure the applications.

  • Convert the replication between Tessell nodes to be “Sync” mode. (MAX_AVAILABILITY)

  • Configure the observer on Tessell side to perform failover only between 2 nodes on Tessell side.

  • Validate that the on-premise database is able to get data from Tessell Oracle HA service.

  • Validate the applications

  • Downtime ends

If the new primary environment (app and database) do not perform as expected, perform a failback to on-premise database as primary and reconfigure the connection string back to on-premise database in applications.

Phase 3: Update DGConfig to remove on-premise database(10-15 days after Phase 2)

This phase is to delete the on-premise database after applications are running smoothly with Tessell Oracle HA Service.

  • Remove the on-premise database from the DG config

  • Optionally, delete the on-premise database

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