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General topics about Tessell database service
How does billing work in Tessell?Utility consumption, hourly metering, monthly billing
How will I be billed for using Tessell?Utility billing with Tessell
Can you elaborate on the billing for the usage of Availability Machines?Availability Machine billing
How and when will I be billed by Tessell?Learn about Tessell billing cycle
What are the supported modes of payment?Tessell supports multiple payment methods
Does Tessell offer discounts on the product?Tessell offers volume and time commitment discounts
How does GiB-month billing work?Availability Machine billing
Can I purchase Tessell credits in addition to the free credits?Want to purchase Tessell credits? Learn here ...
How does Tessell apply discounts and consume credits?Learn about discounting mechanism in Tessell
What happens once I run out of credits?Credit purchase program at Tessell
Disaster Recovery (DR) capabilities with Tessell
How to switch over to DR upon failure?
Create a highly available database service with Tessell
Using Tessell Oracle High Availability with .NET ApplicationsConfiguring .NET applications using connection pooling to gracefully handle HA failover events. Prevent hung applications.
DR StandbyOnce the primary site is down due to regional failover, Service will do in degraded state
This article covers steps to switchover to DR Site and to setup another DR…
What is Tessell and how does it work?Learn basics about Tessell DBaaS
How do I provision a database service?Database of your choice in a few minutes
How do I get started with Tessell?It's super easy to get started with Tessell
Do I have to start with a production database?Choose any environment to begin with
What are all the Apps in Tessell?A comprehensive suite of Apps
How to modify the DNS name of a database service
Horizontal and Vertical scaling of database service in Tessell
What performance insights does Tessell provide
Connect to your database serviceLearn how to connect to your Tessell database service at the service or instance level
Data Collection
Data Collection articles
Automated gathering of EC2 Instance MetricsThis document will guide you in automating the collection of EC2 Instance Cloudwatch metrics for assessing your database workload(s). The collected metrics can be used to provide placement guidance for…
Automated gathering of RDS/Aurora MetricsThis document will guide you in automating the collection of RDS/Aurora Cloudwatch metrics for assessing your database workload(s).
How is Tessell able to offer comparatively very high IOPS?The magic behind ultra-high IOPS
Which database engines does Tessell support?Learn about all supported and upcoming database engines
Where are the databases hosted in Tessell?Comprehensive deployment options for your databases. Learn more ...
On which public clouds can Tessell host database services?Tessell is a multi-cloud service
Why are multiple disks attached to a database server?
What is Tessell’s security posture?The most secure database service out there
What is Tessell Password Policy?Password security with Tessell
What is Tenant’s Password Policy?Password security with Tessell
Which out-of-the-box password policy templates does Tessell provide?Password policy templates baked in with Tessell
What is the default password policy?Strict password policy by default
Can a tenant change an existing password policy?Customizable password policies
What happens to an existing user with an old password policy?Learn how to handle policy updates
Which parameters make up Tessell’s password policy?Granular password policy
How are SSL Certificates configured for databases?
How to set up for Cross Account Key Usage
Why is log in with Google not showing any of my accounts?
What authentication and authorization mechanism does the Tessell agent use when sending data over NATS?
How are NAT Gateways used in Tessell?
Custom Password Verify FunctionGuide to the process of crafting a custom password verification function for your Oracle Database service managed by Tessell
Instance Management
Articles around Instance Management
How to: Modify DB Instance DNS Name
How to: Scaling